Congrats to the winners of the 2018 JJCAB edition !
About the JJCAB
The Young Researchers' Days in vibrations, Acoustics and Noise (in french Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit, JJCAB) are two days organised for PhD students and post-docs working with vibrations and acoustics.
This conference aims at proposing a opportunity for young researchers in these domains to present their work and discuss with others about their results and career.
The 8th edition of the JJCAB will take place in Le Mans on November 15-16th and will be organised in the ENSIM engineering school and the Faculty of Sciences and Technology.
Since its first edition, the event has always been entirely free for students and post-docs presenting their work. This includes the registration fee, accomodation and cattering.
The Lightning Talk
This format was inspired by the contest My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180): within 3 minutes, the talkers must give a clear, concise but nonetheless convincing presentation of their research project.
They must, at will, use a few slides to underscore their talk though the goal is to present briefly the context of the study and the main scientific arguments.
The originality of this session comes with the complete freedom each talker has to grab the audience's attention.
The poster
All talkers will then have the opportunity to discuss more in-depth about their subject with the others attendants and the jury presenting their poster. It must display information on the key aspects of their studies, fundamental results and should spark curiosity in viewers' mind. Each poster session will last an hour so to make sure the audience has time to walk through all posters and that a dialog sets between the talkers and the rest of the community.
Important milestones
September 1st 2018 : Call for abstract opens
October 1st 2018 : Deadline for abstract submission